Suppose you are using UNIFI daily as an Admin and want to show your current or future employers that you are an expert at it. If that’s the case, you’ll want to check out UNIFI’s newest Admin Certification (link). Getting UNIFI-certified shows your current or potential employers that you are an expert Admin when it comes to using UNIFI’s content management platform.
In the fast-paced, heavily software-based BIM Industry, certificates can sometimes be better than a bachelor’s degree because they are more specialized and focused on a certain software or skill set. When you obtain a certificate like UNIFI’s, you can demonstrate that you are a trained professional in UNIFI’s content management platform.
Here are some possible benefits to getting certified as a UNIFI Admin:
Higher Pay – Many employers will give higher pay to candidates who have obtained specific certificates like UNIFI’s. This pay increase is because these job candidates won’t require as much on-the-job training as those without certification.
Advancement Opportunities – If you love your job and want to advance in your career, then deepening your understanding of the newest technologies, like the industry-leading BIM content management platform, can be why you get a promotion.
Competitive Advantage
Stand out among competitors with a certification that demonstrates a more effective method for managing BIM content.
Boosting Your Firm’s Efficiency
UNIFI’s certification will equip you to control implementation, train your users properly, and provide additional transparency in understanding the level of adoption among your users.
Ready to get UNIFI-certified? The process of getting certified is easy. Simply sign up and take our Admin Certification. You’ll learn effective strategies for content management and user management. You’ll then take a test with 20 multiple-choice questions that you have 30 minutes to complete. Once you pass with a score of 70% or higher, you are a certified UNIFI Admin.
You can get UNIFI-certified today by clicking on this link: UNIFI Admin Certification – UNIFI (unifilabs.com)