In-person events are starting to make a comeback and our team is thrilled to finally see our amazing customers and others in our industry face to face. The value you can gain from events is limitless. First off, the knowledge you gain from attending them is irreplaceable. Then, there is nothing better than meeting with colleagues, vendors, and even the competition in person and getting that quality time with them to make that personal connection. Lastly, you get to switch up your daily routine and have the privilege to travel to a new place.
Since the beginning of the year, we have been making a list and checking it twice 😉 on which BIM events are a must to attend. UNIFI Labs has been attending and speaking at events for years, so we know that every event has something different to offer. Want lots of classes or speakers? Go to Autodesk University. Prefer a smaller event? Check out BILT. Want a mix of technology and industry news? AIBD is perfect for you.
To help make it even easier for you, we have created a list of the top events to attend this year and which ones we are attending as well. Below you will find the list of the top ten BIM events to take part in:
➊ AIBD Design and Build Conference, Houston, TX, February 24th-25th – https://aibd.org/
➋ BILT Europe, Spain, May 3rd-5th – https://www.dbei.org/
➌ Digital Construction Week, London, May 18th-19th – Digital Construction Week | Innovation in the Built Environment
➍ BILT, Anaheim, CA, June 14th-16th –https://www.dbei.org
➎ Built Worlds US Summit, Chicago, IL, September 7th-8th 2022 Americas Summit – BuiltWorlds
➏ BIM Coordinators Summit, Ireland, September 8th – HOME | BIMCoordinatorSummit
➐ Autodesk University, New Orleans, LA, September 27th-29th – AU 2022 Overview | Autodesk University
➑ International Conference on Engineering, Project, and Production Management, Greece, October 12th-14th – 12th EPPM International Conference, 12-14 Oct 2022, Athens, Greece (view.gr)
➒ BIMEXPO, Spain, November 11th-15th – BIMExpo 2022 | Trade Fair Leader in BIM Knowledge and Solutions (ifema.es)
➓ BIM World, Germany, November 22nd-23rd – BIM World MUNICH – The Leading BIM Networking Platform (bim-world.de)
UNIFI Labs will not only be attending multiple events this year, but our COO, Virginia Senf, will be speaking at the BIM Coordinators Summit in September! Here is some detailed information on the events that UNIFI is attending and why they chose to join them:
Autodesk University is the premier learning destination for Autodesk customers, bringing together design and engineering professionals from around the world. At the event, they have classes, case studies, and lectures with product experts and thought leaders. The team at UNIFI chooses to attend and have a booth at this event because you will learn from the best in the business, with thought leaders and innovators in each industry sharing experience, insight, and vision. Plus, it allows us to network with AECO organizations and catch up with customers who are also attending. To learn more information about Autodesk University, click on this link. https://www.autodesk.com/autodesk-university/
The BIM Coordinators Summit is a celebration of the Architecture, Engineering, and Construction industries and the brilliant minds that are the driving force behind them. You will gain an in-depth knowledge of how efficient information workflows can help you. UNIFI’s own Virginia Senf will be speaking at this event, speaking on “How to increase your influence and technology budget by talking to management in their language.” This talk will go into detail on how to get your management team excited about investing in the tools you need to do your best job while growing your internal influence in the process. Speaking at this event is a huge accomplishment for UNIFI labs and is necessary to attend to not only support Virginia but learn from the other speakers too. For more information about the BIM, Coordinators Summit follow this link. https://www.bimcoordinatorsummit.net/
BILT, which is also part of Digital Built Week is a BIM event that UNIFI just attended. Designed to cater to the needs of those who design, build, operate, and maintain our built environment. This event is geared towards professionals in the industry and is dedicated to improving how they all work together in the industry. There are numerous events at BILT and during the entire Digital Built Week. UNIFI Labs has chosen to attend this event to network with other organizations in the industry and learn more about the industry in the lectures they have at the conferences. If you are interested in learning more about BILT, click on the link. https://www.dbei.org/
UNIFI Labs hopes to see you at these events and encourages you to come up to us and say hi. Don’t hesitate to reach out ahead of time to set up a meeting with us. Not attending? You can set up a virtual meeting with us to learn more about UNIFI Labs, the industry-leading content management platform, and how we can help your organization. Just fill out the form below to set up a meeting.