We’re excited to announce our latest software update is available now! Pro 3.4 and Portal 2.10 updates include Revit Sheet Support, UI improvements, TLS 1.2 security update, several bug fixes, plus a special announcement of a game changing feature we have in the works! Keep reading for the low down and don’t forget to update your platform to access these features now.
•Revit Sheet Support:

You will now be able to batch export and store Revit sheets as individual assets in UNIFI.
Any families, linework, drafting views, and/or schedules placed on the sheets will also be stored and inserted with the sheet. Revit sheets uploaded to UNIFI will be automatically upgraded to newer versions of Revit and their parameters will be searchable as well. For more information on Revit sheets and how you can put it to good use, check out our blog here.
•UI Improvements – Search Results and Family Types
We’ve made various improvements to the UI for search results. First, we added the category to all display modes which is the top requested feature on our ideas portal. We also updated the grid display mode so it’s easier to navigate and made sure the same file information is displayed across all display modes. On file details, we improved the UI for viewing family types and associated parameters. Types are now displayed as a filterable list, making it easier to find the type you’re looking for. You can also view parameters by Revit year, which is especially helpful for files that have been uploaded from multiple Revit years.
•Transition to TLS 1.2
In order to ensure the continued protection of our your data stored within UNIFI, we are transitioning all communications between our clients and our backend services to utilize TLS 1.2. TLS 1.2 ensures that the data transmitted to and from our backend is protected from anyone trying to eavesdrop on the transmission by encrypting the contents of those transmissions from our customers to our backend system. Want to check and see if your computer supports TLS 1.2 ? Please visit this page. If the TLS 1.2 section says “Yes” then their system supports TLS 1.2. If the TLS 1.2 section says “No” then you will need to upgrade their operating system so that it supports TLS 1.2. Please reach out to UNIFI Support if you need assistance.
Coming soon
•Shared Parameter Management
Shared parameters are notoriously difficult to manage. With this upcoming feature, you will be able to upload all of your company’s shared parameters to UNIFI and manage them in a single location. All changes will be saved as a new version with the ability to compare historical versions. You will also see a new button in the UNIFI Revit add-in that notifies you when changes have been made so you can sync the latest shared parameter file to your local machine.
This upcoming feature was requested by our customers and is an unsolved pain point in the industry! There is no current solution for companies looking to store and access their shared parameters in a single, managed location. By managing your shared parameters in UNIFI, you will always know the shared parameters you’re using are the latest and greatest, ensuring consistency across your content library and minimizing re-work.
ADditional Updates
•Added the ability to view parameters by Revit Version. There is now a dropdown on the file details page for Revit Version, which will display the parameters for the selected type that are associated with the selected Revit version.
•Revit template files (.rte) will now initiate a new model (.rvt) by default when opened from UNIFI. To edit the template file itself, right-click on the file in UNIFI and select “Open in Revit”.
•The default due date for content requests has been changed from 1 day to 7 days out.
•In Project Analytics, data on the model dashboard Content tab can now be exported to Excel.
•Made enhancements to the process of collecting Project Analytics data.
•Project Analytics data collection now includes Revit session properties and family parameter data.
•Resolved issues where search terms were not yielding accurate search results.
•Uploading multiple copies of the same Revit file that were saved in different Revit version years will now all upload as revisions of the file rather than only uploading the lowest Revit version.
•Deleting a base file of a Revit file will no longer clear the category for that file.
•Navigating back to browse after having a filter applied and viewing file details will now display properly.
•After rejecting a content upload request that had previously been approved, the applicable content will now be removed from search results.
•UNIFI will now launch when using 4K resolution monitors with screen zooming enabled.
•The UNIFI installer will now update on machines that don’t have Revit installed as well as UNIFI installations that include the MicroStation Add-In.
•Resolved an issue where Library Admin uploads were not approved automatically.
•Browsing channel content categories that do not exist in the company library now only displays content in the selected category.
•Revit files created in version 2009 or older will now upload to UNIFI.
•Resolved an issue where preview images were not captured when uploading MicroStation .dgn files.
•The category search filter now only lists categories that contain actively searchable content.
•Resolved an issue where all content requests were displaying for all users. Regular users will only see content requests that they have submitted.
•Inserting Revit 2019 materials with 2018 rendered assets can now be inserted from UNIFI.
•Uploading a revision for Revit family template files (.rft) to UNIFI will now display the proper Revit base file year.
•Batch exporting Schedules and Drafting Views will no longer fail when UNIFI is maximized.
•Resolved an issue where using Harvest Project to search for a Revit project stored in UNIFI would not generate results.
•Resolved an issue with setting pinned libraries via the API.
•Resolved an issue with users unable to login using an SSO provider.
•Identified a known issue: When updating UNIFI without Revit installed on the machine, the update process may get interrupted or end prematurely. If this occurs, simply uninstall reinstall UNIFI using the latest installer.
Wrap up:
Thanks for being a valued UNIFI customer and taking the time to get the scoop on our latest update. We hope you find the updates and fixes in this release useful!
We wanted to quickly mention one last platform change to come; the Event Stream feature will no longer be supported and removed from the UNIFI Portal at the end of this year. It has been replaced by Project Analytics. Information about content inserted from UNIFI and what revision of the content was inserted compared to the current revision in UNIFI can be found on the Content tab of the model dashboard in Project Analytics.
Please stay tuned for updates on our Shared Parameter Management feature coming next month.Until then, please remember that your feedback is very important to us and we’re always looking for ways to improve our platform. If you have suggestions for future updates or changes, please click here to learn how to submit your recommendations directly in the UNIFI platform.